Samsung Galaxy S6 The film was presented on two vast screens measuring 30 x 90 feet at the Samsung Galaxy Unpackaging event in Barcelona, helping to launch the much-anticipated Galaxy S6 and S6 edge smartphones to an eager crowd of over 5,000 at the event, and many more online around the world. Again its been awesome to teamup with MPC London. Agency Cheil Worldwide, Korea Editing Zoe Izzard @ MPC VFX Team Matthew Jackson, Greg Howe-Davies, Angela Rinaldi , Adriano Cirulli, Alasdair McNeill, Ross McCabe, Pauline Costantini, Hazel Gow, Rune Mansson, Emeric Larochette, Alastair Cross, Mattias Lullini, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Claudio Berinato, Johan Dekker, Marcus Chaloner, Melanie Keyzor, James Thexton, Marcus Chaloner, Claudio Berinato, Filiberto Chiarinelli, Timo Lenton, Bernat Amengual & James McIver |